532 Lynnhurst Court
Montgomery, Alabama 36117


Inquire about this property    

Listing Agent: Phoenix Preferred Properties
Telephone: (334) 260-1656
Email: rentals@phoenixpreferredproperties.com

Property Type: Select Property Type
Attached/Detached:  Attached Home
Floors:  1
Year Built: 1976

Don't miss this remodeled home. New  paint, new light fixtures, and a new air conditioning unit inside and out. This great 3 bedroom 2 bath home is convenient to shopping! Call today to see this great home.

Dogs Allowed: No
Cats Allowed: No




  • • Family Room
  • • Master Bathroom
  • • Central Air Conditioning
  • • Fireplace
  • • CableTV Available
  • • Formal Dining Room
  • • Central Heating

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contact us

Phoenix Preferred Properties

2157 Taylor Road

Montgomery, Alabama 36117

Telephone: (334) 260-1656

Email: rentals@phoenixpreferredproperties.com